Conservatism Vs. Liberalism

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Conservatism vs. Liberalism America is mostly torn between two beliefs; conservatism and liberalism. Conservatives tend to oppose change and liberals believe change can be good. From the knowledge and experience that I have gained, I would consider myself conservative. On the other hand, I do have some liberal viewpoints that are strong. I have a strong Roman Catholic family that has a traditional background. My ancestors were not wealthy and worked hard to feed their families. This tradition has been passed down to my father. Due to the tradition of hard working ancestors, I believe that all people have the choice to be responsible or not. I do not hold sorrow for people of poverty because they have the opportunity to become successful if they decide to be motivated to work hard. I believe that not all people are as fortunate as others, such as being born into a wealthy family or affording college, however, a person does not have to be fortunate to succeed. My father did everything possible to make certain that my sister and I had dinner every night. He did not take us on vacations, take us to the movies, or have a nice car; he worked hard for us to eat. That is success. People are responsible for their success. Each person in society has the opportunity to make their own decisions, which ignite opportunities or consequences. Moreover, I am a business major, therefore, I believe in laissez faire. I believe there should be as little government regulation, regarding business, as possible. Regulation clamps down businesses to run their businesses freely. “A free-market economy is thought to be the best way to ensure prosperity and fulfillment of individual needs” (Zastrow, 2010). The tests regarding my political views were not a surprise to me. There are questions that I did not think to address in regards to my political views. For instance, I believe there

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