Conflict Metaphor Reflection

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Conflict Metaphor Reflection by Janick Lemieux Interpersonal Dispute Resolution - JURI 2136 Professor Toni Barr 9 June 2009 This reflection will discuss my conflict illustration created in the first class, where two individuals (X and Y) wished to climb the same mountain to reach the summit. I drew an image depicting two individuals seeing one another as competitors for the peak of the mountain. Essentially, I portrayed two individuals aiming at the same target. In my view, conflict only originates when they start to perceive each other as opponents in reaching the mountaintop. Without verifying, clarifying and communicating their personal values, beliefs and interests in climbing the mountain, they started to make assumptions and therefore, instead of focusing on their goal, they focused on disabling the other and undermining their efforts. The actors in this conflict failed to investigate their original interests, concerns, hopes, expectations, assumptions, priorities, beliefs, values, fears and goals. If they would have investigated, they would have found out the following unobservable data: Person X X trained really hard to prepare himself for this personal challenge. He is on a deadline; he wants to be the first ever to climb this mountain in order to be in the Book of Guinness Records. He is extremely competitive. X perceives Y as a competitor and even a threat to his goal. He is determined to reach his goal at whatever cost. Person Y Y is a cancer survivor. He does not have a deadline to reach his goal. If it would not be for X being so hostile and threatening, Y would not have engaged in this dispute. He is definitely not as in shape as X but has time on his side. He is as determined to reach the top as X is. He picked this specific mountain as it has sentimental – family related values. Initially, my

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