Conflict Can Have Both Good and Bad Outcomes

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Many people hold a view that suggests there is either the 'good' or 'bad' side in any conflict, this is demonstrated by many people in history and must be accounted for as it may help or hinder your relationship with others. Taking a side in any conflict is important and not taking a side will usually result in a forced action in order to sway you to one side. Conflict can be forced onto you if you don’t take a side, it is however important to take a side to keep you safe from the dangers of not doing so. This is shown by President George W Bush on September 20 2001, When Bush asserts “Your either with us or your with the terrorists.” This very strong statement removes the freedom of speech and forces an individual to take a side so that a certain party does not view them as hostile. This draws a parallel to The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, in which Danforth proceeds to say “a person is with this court or they must be counted against it, there is no middle ground.” Here Danforths high rank and seemingly aggressive tone gives an individual no choice but to be on the courts side, as if to say if you don’t agree you will be hanged. This demonstrates the importance of taking a side in a conflict. Extending on The Crucible, it can be seen that the girls, who are led by a strong character, Abigail, are in a situations where they must deny any accusations of witchcraft having a role in the dancing in the woods. The girls cry witch on other people in the village in order to keep them self safe, in doing so they take a part in the conflict and join Abigail which leads into mass hysteria in the village, thus proved a necessity in taking a side so that their own life wouldn’t be in jeopardy. The naming of others for reasons such as greed and vengeance is also evident at the time when the House Un-American Activities Committee(HUAC) was in power. This rather
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