Confederate Flag Essay

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The Confederate Flag: Racist or Not? Racism, segregation, and hate are three things that come to mind when certain people are asked about the Confederate Flag. I am here to tell you there is no hate or racism or even segregation involved with the Confederate Flag. It is part of our heritage. It is part of what makes you and me, you and me. The Confederate Flag was created to represent the Confederate States of America. It was not created to represent slavery. The main reason for the Civil War, which was when the Confederate Flag was created, was not slavery. The Confederate Flag has nothing to do with slavery. Now, I know some you may say, “but, the Confederate Flag represents the states that wanted slavery”. You are right. The Confederate Flag does represent those states but, it does not represent slavery itself. The states that used that flag did not mean for it to represent slavery. That is just the flag they chose to represent the Confederate States of America. We all have heritage. We all have ancestors. If you reside in the southern region of America, your ancestors, more than likely, fought for the Confederate Flag or supported the Confederate Flag. I know some of you have ancestors who were slaves, but some of them fought for the Confederate Flag, too. Also, the Confederate Flag represents them. The Confederate Flag is a part of our heritage, it is part of our history, and it is part of who we are. The “Rebel” or Confederate Flag is only racist if you make it racist. The people who still support the Confederate Flag only support it because our ancestors fought and died for that flag. We do not support it out of racism or out of a desire to re-establish slavery. We do not want slavery. We just want to be able to fly that flag in remembrance of our relatives who that flag represented. Another reason we want to fly it is because it is the history of
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