Concept Of Learning Paper

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Learning Paper PSYCH/550 October 14 2013 Dr. Hickman Learning Paper Every individual throughout the world learns in different ways. Individuals may learn by reading, hands-on, or being shown. Everyone learns something new every day no matter if they try to or not. This paper will try and explain the concept of learning and how it is distinguished with performance along with comparing and contrasting the approaches to the study of learning. Describe the Concept of Learning When we talk about learning in relations to a normal functioning individual, as opposed to a developmentally challenged individual, the principles or the concepts of learning will still be the same. An example would be an individual that is developmentally challenged trying to learn the basic life skills like tying their shoes, make a peanut and butter and jelly sandwich, or even learning how to put their clothes on properly. These concepts are referred to as being a skill, but they also involve the concepts of learning how to create change. Learning does not always have to be a task either. Learning can also be considered a concept of expanding ones knowledge to help them further understand certain topics, help them…show more content…
Some conceptual approaches can be systematical, experimental or learned, and existential (Menderas, 2008). Systematic conceptual approach to learning teaches an individual to learn from a system of thought (Menderas, 2008). An example would be a child in a regular elementary school. The teachers will often teach or to instruct students through various ways of systematic thinking. Young children will learn how to count first, then add, subtract, multiply, and then how to divide. A child has to learn how to count before they learn how to add, subtract, multiply or divide. Systematic learning is when the learning environment will allow for the individuals to learn by building on certain skills first (Menderas,
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