Computing The Nature Of The Human Brain

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Computing the Nature of the Human Brain The article “When will computer hardware match the human brain?” by Hans Moravec stipulates that, because the performance of artificial intelligence increases linearly with the amount of computing power available, the human brain can be analyzed from the same standpoint that one would analyze a computer from. The idea that the brain is essentially an organic computer has been around for decades, since the arrival of the first computers able to surpass the human ability to compute and store memory. It is only in the more recent decades, however, that this idea has been taken seriously, and used as a starting point to tackle problems dealing with both the human brain and articificial intelligence. As the world of computers continues to grow and flourish, I believe that not only will the brain be revealed as the world's most complex computing device, but also that we will be able to replicate these methods, cultivated by evolution of millions of years. However, I disagree with the article in that computing techniques will cease to grow in the near future, simply because mankind has a keen interest in the development of stronger, faster computers, and where there's a will, there's a way. I agree completely that the comparison between increased AI performance and increased computing power is proof that the human brain handles all of its functions with computations. As learned earlier in the course, biologists have already proven that the brain uses electrical signals to give instructions and carry out tasks, as well as that applied magnetic forces can disturb these impulses and even erase stored memory. Concerning the correlation between AI performance and computing power, I feel the graph in the article concerning Chess Machine Performance versus Processing Power demonstrates this the best. Kasparov is referred to in the

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