Computer Literacy Essay

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Section 4 Study Questions (12.0 points) Answer each question fully. Complete sentences are not necessary. Lesson 1 (3.0 points) 1. What is a money market account? (0.5 points)Is an account that invest your money in low risk investments with predicable interest rates. 2. What is a liquidation policy? (0.5 points)A liquidation policy tells you when and how you're able to remove money from the account. 3. What is simple interest? (0.5 points) 4. What is compound interest? (0.5 points) 5. What is the time value of money? (0.5 points) 6. Name a strategy for saving money. (0.5 points) Lesson 2 (3.0 points) 1. What is investing? (0.5 points) 2. What is financial risk? (0.5 points) 3. What is diversification? (0.5 points) 4. What is risk tolerance? (0.5 points) 5. What are debt investments? (0.5 points) 6. What are equity investments? (0.5 points) Lesson 3 (3.0 points) 1. What are stocks? (0.5 points) 2. What are bonds? (0.5 points) 3. What is fraud? (0.5 points) 4. What is an annuity? (0.5 points) 5. What is microfinance? (0.5 points) 6. What is venture capital? (0.5 points) Lesson 4 (3.0 points) 1. What is a 401(k) account? (0.5 points) 2. What is a mutual fund? (0.5 points) 3. What is a broker? (0.5 points) 4. Name a stock market indicator in the U.S. (0.5 points) 5. Name at least two pieces of information that might be found in stock listings. (1.0 points)

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