Compritive Essays Of Todays School Issues

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The essay “Americans Skip School” by Benjamin R. Barber, talks about how important it is for teachers to influence their students to study, not only for the student’s futures but of the future of our society. In the essay “College Pressures” by William Zinsser, he discusses the pressure that college students go through these days with all the tuition costs, book costs, housing and all the other expenses. The essay I thought that was more effective was “College Pressures” by William Zinsser. The way that these two essays are written is clearly in two different styles. Each author has their own unique way of explaining their points. For example, in “Americans Skip School”, Barber starts off by saying how the hopeless struggle many youths are facing today, and where they will end up in the near future. On the other hand, in “College Pressure”, Zinsser notes that students operate on stress overload brought on by a number of factors, most of which is brought on by the overwhelming urgency and need to succeed and do their best. Despite the fact that college is supposed to be a time when further studies are explored and developed. Students fear that if they are unable to find a field and succeed in their classes then they will fail in life. Together, these essays both help explain how important the teacher’s role is in a student’s school life and how they can help them succeed in school and deal with their pressure that they will stumble upon. Being a student or a teacher will never be an easy task, but if they work together it will make it a lot easier for the both of them. The amount of pressure that schools these days have on their students is tremendous. With all the homework and studying for tests takes a toll on each and every student. Some students are able to deal with their pressure and others are drained with all the emotional impact that it has on them.

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