Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Briefing

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Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Briefing The complete annual report, known as a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) contains far more than basic financial statements. It also includes a letter of transmittal, a management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) that highlights the government’s financial performance during the year and its financial position at year-end, and a wealth of statistical data. This briefing will discuss the comparison of governmental accounting and for profit financial accounting and how to understand the government reporting and reporting entity. In addition with an overview of how Management Discussion and Analysis reports for the state of New Hampshire. “The New Hampshire Lottery Commission (the…show more content…
The CAFR requires statistical evaluation, whereas for profit accounting does not. Governmental accounting is governed by budgets for specific agencies for an annual financial period. For-profit entities are governed by the economic market. Governmental and for-profit entities have different purposes and process to generated and account for revenue. “The differences separate accounting and financial reporting standards in order to provide information to meet the needs of the stakeholders to assess government accountability to make political, social, and economic decisions” (GASB,…show more content…
There are significant differences between for-profit and governmental accounting and understanding these differences is paramount to measuring management’s performance and the financial success or failure of the organization. In NHLC’s CAFR they have provided accountability under certain procedures and policies allowed by the agencies. The prepared government wide and budget propriety funds statement remains in compliance with the GASB. In the fiscal year 2011 there were decreases in distribution to the Education Trust Fund due to decreases in operating revenues which makes the agencies adjust their budget to accommodate new patient and any other expense that will be reported. This information can then be used to hold the organization accountable for its success or failures. In addition, the MD&A provides a brief overview of managements take on the financial situation of the organization and outlines the impacts of various governmental activities on the organizations
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