Comparison Between Working in an Office and Working at Home

414 Words2 Pages
Comparison between working in an office and working at home At one time or another every person considers the choice between home-based careers and office job. Definitely, making a decision on the right alternative requires careful thinking about the differences of these types of jobs. Thus, home-based and regular job vary not only in the schedule, but also in the opportunities that both careers provide. One of the most important characteristics of a job is its schedule. The key benefit of the home-based jobs is the flexibility of the working hours because while working at home the person can set up his own schedule, he can have longer breaks, and he can work during the times when he is more efficient. Whereas, while working for eight consecutive hours in the office person might become overwhelmed and less productive, especially when he has to wake up early in the morning and spend time commuting back and forth to work. On the contrary, working from home allows longer sleeping hours and saves time and money on commuting. Thus, one should consider the flexibility of the schedule or the necessity of working for eight consecutive hours, and commuting to work or sleeping longer when choosing his future job. Another point to consider is the difference in opportunities that home-based and office jobs provide. Usually, in the office there are many people with similar interests which can lead to the exchanging of ideas and gaining new experience from more knowledgeable peers. In contrast, while working at home the person can rely only on himself in problem solving and learning new valuable information. Furthermore, in home-based jobs the person has to perform the same type of job and to keep the same function for years. But, when working in an office of a big company, there is always a chance to be promoted and to have a higher income. Therefore, learning new

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