Comparing Gentileschi and Greco

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Comparing Gentileshchi an Greco While Gentileschi’s and El Greco’s styles vary greatly they share a common bond of being influenced by the Baroque movement that took place during the late 1500’s. This movement was spurred by the Catholic reformation. Since focus was shifted again to the Catholic Church much of the art reflected religious overtones. Granted, this was not the case in France because the French monarchy asserted their semi-divinity through artwork. However, both Gentileschi’s and El Greco’s art both were deeply seeded in religion. One painting, Gentileschi’s, is a clear example of Baroque; while El Greco’s played with, and pushed the limits of the Baroque style. Gentileschi’s painting is “Judith Slaying Holofernes.” In the painting Judith is depicted decapitating an Assyrian general. A message that can be inferred from this painting is that a person should constantly be attacking religious enemies. This not only can be taken literally, but also figuratively. Basically conducting a self-evaluation and working on one’s own faults. This alone is characteristic of the Baroque style; everything has a deeper meaning than what is initially perceived. Gentileschi uses very vibrant colors in part of the painting. It seems that she uses such vibrant colors where she wants the eye to be drawn, for example the blanket that is wrapped around Holofernes is the same shade of red as the blood spurting from his neck. According to the text the artist organizes the people in the picture to obtain a pinwheel effect (p 14). This is also very characteristic of Baroque period art. The pinwheel achieves the effect of viewing an event in the moment. This is direct opposition to the Renaissance style where each subject is beautifully arranged and placed to achieve an aesthetic value. The lighting appears to be cellar lighting and is used to highlight the murder of
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