Comparing Frankenstein And Blade Runner

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Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Scott Ridley’s Blade Runner, although constructed in different contexts, are both instrumental in demonstrating the universal notion of the nature of humanity. Through the literary discourse of Frankenstein, Shelley is able to draw from the contextual influences of the Romantic Movement and Enlightenment, therefore exploring the valued notions of excessive knowledge and the role of creator in establishing glory. These universal notions have been appropriated and shaped in Blade Runner, to therefore present the way in which the contemporary capitalised society of America has led to a futuristic world characterised by the consequences of excessive knowledge and usurping the role of creator. Both Frankenstein…show more content…
Shelley draws from the characteristics of gothic fiction influenced by The Romantic Movement, through employing sinister connotations that forebode Victor’s downfall, “…the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out…” This portrays the reality that the value of creating life is unattainable, which is furthermore explored in Blade Runner, as Scott presents a world in which technology has eliminated the defining features of humanity. Shelley also alludes to The Promethean Myth and the symbolism of oppressing fire, “…the glimmer of the half-extinguished light…” to emphasise the danger of attaining knowledge beyond accepted boundaries. Shelley’s admonition of excessive knowledge is explored additionally within Blade Runner. Blade Runner is dominated by capitalism and social hierarchy, therefore mirroring the values of the 18th century context of Frankenstein. Scott, influenced by the gothic-novel features in Frankenstein, has employed the style of…show more content…
Shelley, influenced by the philosophical enquiry into human creation evident within the Romantic Movement, has shaped Frankenstein to directly explore the notion of human beings usurping the role of creator, to therefore acquire glory. Similarly, Scott draws from the role of the creator, to depict a world existing with the consequences of human beings assuming the role of creator. Shelley alludes to the biblical creation story, “…I began the creation of a human being”, to demonstrate how Victor has attempted to appropriate God’s legitimate role as creator, in order to receive glory; “a new species would bless me as its creator...”. Shelley, with the gothic elements of an irrepressible creation, biblically alludes to Adam in the creation story, “…I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel…” to present the notion that the creator has the responsibility of their creation, yet become ignorant to this because of the value placed on glory. Similarly, Blade Runner explores the notion of the creator to acquire glory, through presenting the audience with a catastrophic environment; the result of neglected responsibilities for the creation of relpicants. Similar to contemporary society in valuing capitalism and consumerism, Scott positions Tyrell symbolically above the congested “little people”, placing him on the equal level

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