Comparing Edgar Allan Poe's Rip And The Raven

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Rip and the Raven What is Gothic Mode? What defines a piece of literature as being “Gothic”? Webster’s dictionary defines “gothic” as “of or relating to a style of writing that describes strange or frightening events that take place in mysterious places and of or relating to a style of fiction characterized by the use of desolate or remote settings and macabre, mysterious, or violent incidents.” Angela Carter writes that the Gothic Mode deals with the imagery of the unconscious and makes abstractions from romanticism (134). A gathered definition of the Gothic mode is the usage of supernatural and mysterious elements coupled with dark writing to make a literature piece used to provoke unease and to make the reader question the world and reality…show more content…
Washington Irving is identified with the gothic with his “Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, however the gothic mode can also be identified in his story, “Rip Van Winkle”. To begin, both will be compared with their use of the Gothic Mode. Edgar Allan Poe’s writing set the mold for most gothic literature to follow. From “The Raven” to “The Tell-Tale Heart” his writing sets the reader on edge and fills them with unease. “Its style tends to be ornate, unnatural” (Carter 134). This is very true about Poe’s writing, his writing has a sense of flow to it and is ornate in its descriptions, but it is a dark ornate like something grand that is only a shadow of its former glory. For example, in “Fall of the House of Usher”, Poe describes the mansion in ornate detail, but using words that left the grand image in your mind but as a rundown macabre shadow of what it once was. Poe unquestionably works within the Gothic Mode; it can be identified in almost all his writings with the exception maybe being “The Bells” but even in that poem, Poe writes about funeral bells. One of his most well know stories, “The Raven” is a prime example of his usage of the Gothic Mode. “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and
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