Comparing Achilles with Gilgamesh

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Ahmet Meric Ozcan, 21102006 Achilles and Gilgamesh: Fair Villains A hero is someone who tries the best to help everyone and will do everything in his or her power to help out another person. The term hero means different things to different people. Today many people believe that a hero is a person who can accomplish what others can not or a person who puts themselves on the line for the other people. Men, women and children can all be heroes if they truly feel in their hearts the need to help others in even the smallest ways. In our modern world heroes are defined in so many ways. Anyone can be a hero, a best friend, a devoted mother/father, a teacher, etc. On the other hand, in the older days, before laws and technology, heroes were the men who fought against evil things, who rescue damsels in distress; they were the manly men, the king's knights, god like creatures, brave warriors. The definition of an ancient time hero is very different than a hero today so let’s start considering the books. Above all The Iliad will show that it is not a work that gives a mere account of historic facts and events but one where persons are the protagonists by virtue of their behaviors, values, motives and decisions which affect the flow of the story. Achilles is one of these persons that play a primary role in the plot of Iliad; as Homer puts it in the first lines of this work, the anger (mênin) of Achilles, his withdrawal from the battles and the devastating effects that this has on the Greek army will be the core of the story. Achilles appears in the story as a complicated character with his own idiosyncrasy and system of ideals that sometimes no one else but him can understand. This system of values is exactly what I am going to explore in this paper. Additionally Gilgamesh was a strong god like creatures who hasn’t got more weakness then the Achilles. “When the gods

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