Compare the Ways Shakespeare and Carol Ann Duffy Present Flawed Characters

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Both Shakespeare and Carol Ann Duffy have structural differences in their texts to show the emotional change in the characters of Othello and Miss Havisham. In Othello Shakespeare shifts from blank verse to prose to show his breakdown in emotion. In Act 1 Scene 3 Othello speaks in unrhymed iambic pentameter which shows that it is written in blank verse however in Act 4 Scene 1 Othello starts to speak in prose and from the context of his speech we could infer that he is angry. This change in from verse to prose suggests that he cannot control his emotions very well and it is easy to see what he is feeling. Shakespeare tends to write in blank verse when the character is calm and then switches to prose when there is a spin of emotion. This also suggests that blank verse can be used for higher status characters but prose can be used for things like accusations. However, in Havisham Duffy uses four equal length paragraphs which shows how controlled the speaker seems to be until the reader gets down to the very last line in the last stanza. “b-b-b-breaks” suggests that the speaker is losing control of her feelings. The repetition of the letter “b” is suggests that she may be starting to cry thinking about the things that happened in her past. In both these texts Shakespeare and Duffy give a voice to people who wouldn’t usually have a voice in their society. In the Jacobean times Othello would have been discriminated against because of his race in the Venetian society and Miss Havisham wouldn’t have had a voice in her society as she is a widow, so the play and poem allow us to see how their feelings change. In both Othello and Medusa violent imagery is used to show the characters determination to gain revenge on the people who betrayed them or were accused of betrayal. In Othello Shakespeare uses repetition of the word “blood” in Act 3 Scene 3 and blood is associated with
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