Compare Culture and Social Organisation

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Compare Culture And Social Organisation In Any Two Societies Britain And Saudi Arabia [pic] [pic] By Lindsey Ann Lucas 7011546 Lindsey Ann Lucas 7011546 Compare Culture And Social Organisation In Any Two Societies, Britain And Saudi Arabia This assignment will examine and compare culture and social organisations within two societies. I have chosen Britain and Saudi Arabia, to explain and illustrate the contrasting sociological features of the two societies by explaining the key concepts. Functionalism It sees society as based on agreement among people about values, goals and rules in society. The role of the family is primary socialisation. The Family introduces norms and values to their children, who carry these through to their children in later years, where they are reinforced by religion and education. Functionalist’s views of the family is similar to a fairytale, because they ignore the family dynamics and in some families the darker side i.e.:- abuse, neglect and violence through male domination. Harlambos.M.and Holborn.M.(2013) Feminism Feministic views of the family are split into 3 groups, similar to that of the key perspectives. Liberal feminists believe that both the male and the females have equal roles within the family when it comes to the household chores and childcare. Marxist feminists view the women as the producer of future workers and women’s oppression stems from capitalism and not the family. Radical feminist’s view of the family structure is one of patriarchal and that men are seen as the enemy. This type of family within society is also seen by feminists as the key institution in its contribution to maintaining social control. All three groups of feminism view the family as the most dominant unit within society, as
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