Compare Contrast Paragraph on Flood in Genesis and Epic of Gilgamesh

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Between the two Flood survivors, Utnapishtim relies more on himself while Noah relies more on God when observing their process of preparation for the flood, and the aftermath relationship of the respective Flood survivors and their God. Utnapishtim only receives a minimal help from goddess Ea: he only receives a warning of the impending flood in his dreams without precise date of its occurrence, and is just advised to make a boat from disassembling his house. Thus, Utnapishtim has to prepare for the flood without guidance from the Gods, relies more so on himself. On the other hand, Noah is informed and guaranteed to be saved by God. Hence, Noah is given guidance and commanded by God from the time of preparation to the end of the flood. Moreover, Noah does not question God, following God's every command dutifully: “And this Noah did; as all that God commanded him, so he did” (6:22). Granted, Utnapishtim reverently questions Ea for an answer because of a concern and burden that he carries, which is a sign of dependence: “As for me, I will need to answer the city, the people, and the elders” (Babylonian Flood Story). However, he questions God for his benefit to survive the flood by constructing the boat without any suspicion from the city, people, and the elders; thus, he is independent and relies more on himself unlike Noah who simply obeys to God’s order. In the aftermath Noah’s relationship with the God, his dependence on God is further exemplified when he does not leave the Ark until hearing God's command: “Go out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and your sons’ wives, with you” (6:16). On the other hand, Utnapishtim leaves his boat after the flood water subsides and gives a libation to the Gods under his own free will and thought. Unlike Noah dutifully following and depending on God to prepare for and survive the flood, Utnapishtim, outside of the warning

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