Compare And Contrast Two Short Stories

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Compare and Contrast Two Short Stories Angel Primiano English 125 Introduction to Literature Raymond Nowak June 27, 2011 COMPARE AND CONTRAST Compare and Contrast Two Short Stories Both Kate Chopin in "The Story of an Hour" and James Thurber in "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" discuss the relationship between married couples. As will be set forth in this paper, the authors reach similar conclusions through very different methods. Neither character relates well to his/her spouse and both are in an unhappy marital situation. It is fairly certain that both Mitty and Mrs. Mallard are loved by their spouses and according to all outward appearances, are in good marriages. Both long to be free, but both have trouble admitting that fact to themselves in a way that will allow them to do something about their situations. Both short stories examine the ironic reality that far from making some people happy, love can be a prison. Alienation, isolation, and the basic need for freedom of spirit are themes running through both stories. The authors make their points with very different uses of form, style, and content. The short story narrative is used by both authors. Both have a clear time frame, well developed characters, well defined settings, and are told from the third person omniscient perspective (Clugston, 2010). Chopin writes a brief scene from Mrs. Mallard's life which stuns the reader with the knowledge that Mrs. Mallard is joyful at the news of her husband's death. The story covers the space of only one hour, but that hour is filled with revelations about Mrs. Mallard (as cited in Clugston, 2010). Thurber also writes about a brief period in Walter Mitty's life, covering a day of shopping with his wife (as cited in Clugston, 2010). Both authors make their points with short stories that simply depict scenes from two "ordinary" people's lives.
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