Compare and Contrast the Ways in Which the Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioural Approachs to Counselling Make Use of the Counselling Relationship

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Compare and contrast the ways in which the psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioural approaches to counselling and make use of the counselling relationship This essay will consider the psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural approaches to counselling and how each approach uses the counselling relationship. It will compare and contrast the ways that each method uses. It will first consider the theoretical understanding of the counselling relationship of the two approaches, it will then considering the way that this relationship is then used within counselling. The psychodynamic approach to counselling places most importance on using the relationship between the counsellor and the client to explore and consider the emotions and feelings that are creating a difficulty in the client’s present situation (McLeod, p.90). The psychodynamic approach evolved from psychoanalysis, founded by Sigmund Freud, who considered that people’s behaviours are influenced by their motives or dynamics. Psychodynamics has three distinctive features or assumptions. That the difficulty a client is having has an origin in their childhood. Secondly, the client is not consciously aware of these affecting their motives and impulses, and lastly that it uses the interpretation of the transference relationship between client and councillor (McLeod, p.91). This essay will now consider these features in more depth. Freud considered that there were three main stages of psychosexual development, the oral, anal and phallic stages, and that responses to these needs during these stages can affect the individual’s emotional development and may have an effect in adulthood on relationships, motives and behaviour. Erikson considered eight stages of psychosocial development which has similarities to Freud’s work, but places more importance of the relationship between parent and child, though later
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