Comparative Commentary Essay

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Comparative Commentary The first text, ‘My Name’ is written in form of prose. The main character, Esperanza, does not like her name, which in English means hope, while in Spanish it is just a difficult, long word. However, hope implies waiting and sadness. In addition, Esperanza was called her great-grandmother, a strong and wild woman, who got married by forces. She always was looking through the window, waiting. In this way, the young Esperanza wants to have another name, one which reflects the real her, like Zeze the X. The text acquires a sad, depressing tone. Esperanza waits for a better name, in the same way her great-grandmother watched through the window, waiting, hoping something better. In this way, there is a pun between their expectations and search of something better and their name, which means that. Many similes are present as well, such as the comparison of her name which is ‘like the number nine. A muddy colour’, showing her disgust towards the name she was given. Also, the phrase ‘horse of a woman’ is a metaphor, which has two different connotations, as it can be either an allusion to the Chinese Year of the horse, which shows calmness, submissiveness, or representing her inner strength and wildness, as horses are. These are opposite meanings to describe her great-grandmother, who was a strong woman, but she was controlled and dominated by her husband. The second text, ‘How a Girl Got Her Chinese Name’, is a poem written by Nellie Wong. As the title shows, the poem is about the names Nellie got in China. First, at school she was given the name Nah Lei which means Where or Which Place, but as her parents did not like it, they gave her another Chinese name, Lai Oy, that is Beautiful Love or lost pocket, depending on the conversation. The poem has an innocent, naive tone. It presents Nellie, a young girl who is what others say, typically of kids,

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