Community And Problem-Solving Policing

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Community and Problem-Solving Policing Michael Copeland CJS/210 Axia College August 4th, 2010 What is the difference between community policing and problem solving policing and which one is more effective? Community policing involves the community as where problem solving policing involves is more within the rank and file of police departments. Community policing is not new but a return to a long forgotten method of fighting crime. There was a time in our country that police departments walked patrols on a beat in a neighborhood or a city block. They would get to know the business owners and homeowners by name. They would familiarize themselves with each and every building and house on their patrol and get to know the people who ran the businesses and the homeowners. Over time it seemed that this practice became outdated. As racial tensions grew and the population of U.S began to increase it became unreasonable to have foot patrols and officers on horseback. Since that time U.S citizens became wary of the police. There seemed to be no trust and many people began to accuse the police of corruption. Community Policing can be defined as “a collaborative effort between law enforcement and the community to identify problems of crime and disorder and involve all elements of the community in the search for solutions to these problems” (Santa Cruz Seeds of Change, 2009). Community policing has several benefits such as: a better acknowledgment of police functions, a better understanding of the interrelationships within police functions, knowing of the limited capacity of each police department to accomplish their own assigned task, new problem solving techniques that uses less time of the criminal justice system, greater knowledge or assigned areas, better use of police personal, and higher knowledge of community problems to supply better police

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