Comm 101 Tutorial 4 Dumpling Case

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Tutorial 4 1. The responsibility of government is properly to assign between capitalism and socialism which the economic of the country will not been affected. From the case, the role of the government needs to allocate the price of the goods and services in a right and fair value which is responsible to society in or outside the countries. The government has to manage the anti-dumping legislative properly to combat dumping which the multinational company may threat the local company by only drive up the cost of imported goods and services. From the Anti-dumping laws, consumers need to pay higher prices for both imported and domestic goods. The company who form of price discrimination was confusing and arbitrary to paying the secure punitive tariffs which does not involved unfair trade practices. To preventing the happen of this, anti-dumping will achieve free trade between countries beneficial which the products manufactured overseas does not less than fir value of local company thus, less competitive in world markets. Government has to carefully checking the prices of imported products comparing to those local products which will not lower the local companies. The purpose of checking the prices was because the government needs to share arrangement by average the prices across the product range from the prices of two preferred suppliers awarded by government. The government has to enact the prices of those needs products by ensuing two-year contract to locking the prices to reduce pursuant losses. The prices that will affect most of the consumers and manufacturer will need to enter into a contract with the government to decrease the losses of global economics. 2. In my opinion, I think shared tender is more ethical position to take for multinational companies. By share the same value or market price, the consumers and manufacturer does not been
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