Coming Of Age In Mississippi Analysis

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Coming of Age In Mississippi In Coming of Age in Mississippi you get to experience quite a bit of Anne Moody’s life. It puts a new light on the Mississippi experience during the early to mid twentieth century. There are many different points in Anne’s life where she experiences racism and segregation. Anne Moody’s life is an amazing testimony of an African American living in Mississippi. From being raised in a family where they don’t want to speak of the unfair events to schools where if you speak of them you are fired. All these things shaped Anne Moody to become who she was and is. Coming of Age in Mississippi is about a young African American girl and her experiences in a town in the state of Mississippi. The story begins with Essie Mae being a little girl and her family living on a plantation. During the day while her parents are working Essie is being taken care of by her uncle ̦ George Lee. George Lee set the house on fire one day and blamed it all on Essie Mae. Soon after the fire and the death of a close friend little things start to upset Mr. Moody. You then find out that he is having an affair with the window of his friend ̦ who is named Florence. At this same time Essie Mae’s mom is pregnant with her third child. The child is born and it is a son that she names Junior. After Junior is born Essie Mae’s mother and the three children leave and move in with Great- Aunt Cindy. They were only allowed to stay with Cindy until Mama found a new job. Essie’s mother started working at a café in town. The family…show more content…
I knew that the only reason the white folks were being so nice was that they were protecting their own schools. Our shiny new school would never be equal to any school of theirs. All we had was a shiny new empty building where they always had the best teachers ̦ more state money̦ ̦ and better
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