Column 3 Quiz

489 Words2 Pages
------------------------------------------------- Word Group 1 Quiz Word Roots Circle, underline, or highlight the word root in the word in column one. Write the meaning of the word root in column two and write your own example word in column three.. Circle the word root Meaning of the word part Your Example Word 1. amphibious _____________________ _____________________ 1. absent _____________________ _____________________ 1. advance _____________________ _____________________ 1. ambitious _____________________ _____________________ 1. ------------------------------------------------- animated _____________________ _____________________ -------------------------------------------------…show more content…
For Sean, such a low grade on a math exam was an ___________________. (deviation) 3. The king mistakenly believed that he could break laws with ____________, but he found that even he was not exempt from punishment. 4. Heather’s essay discusses the _________________ (contradictory) between good and evil in Stephen King’s novels. 5. The FBI ________________ did not produce any new evidence in the kidnapping. 6. News of the senator’s criminal past was very ________________ (upsetting) to his family and friends. 7. The lawyer, with some very clever questions, was able to ________________ (hint) that the witness was not trustworthy. 8. Catholics believe that the Pope is ________________ when speaking on matters of faith. 9. The people that TV 5 interviewed on the housing problem had only a _______________ knowledge of the problem. More time should been have taken to identify people with more knowledge of the subject. 10. ------------------------------------------------- When people move to a new country, one of the first signs of ________________________ is the use of slang when talking. The following words complete the sentences below. Write the word in the blank that correctly completes the
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