Cmgt 442 Week 3 Security Monitoring

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Security Monitoring Security monitoring plays a major role in ensuring the success and continuity of an organization. There are many different tools and strategies available to help organizations keep their data secure. The tools and strategies that will be discussed in this paper will cover both internal and external/ecommerce security concepts. Organizations should be aware of the various threats and vulnerabilities and take the proper steps to make security their number one priority. Internal Monitoring Insider Threats Internal monitoring starts with monitoring access and usage of an organizations network. This is because insider threats are a very serious threat. Insider threats can come in the form of both intentional and unintentional misuse of the system. An intentional misuse to the system can come from a disgruntled employee who may seek to damage the company or find personal gain from exploiting data. Unintentional misuse happens when users are not properly trained on the system. One important strategy that can help to reduce insider threats is access control. When we talk about access control, it should be understood that access control not only covers user name and passwords, but also includes a strict policy that determines who has access to what. Access levels must be closely monitored, allowing users to only access what is necessary for he/she to complete his /her assigned duties. System administrators should be monitoring network traffic for any unauthorized access to data. Training is the next important tool that should be incorporated into any security planning. Many users have computer experience and may know how to logon and complete their daily responsibilities, but that does not mean that they do not require any training. Many users may have never had any training or experience with common threats and how to avoid

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