Clues To Character

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"Clues to Character" Reaction paper 3 Clues to Character We might ask who we are? or why we act certain way? many times as life goes on, we find answers to those questions. It has been said that there are some clues for our character; intelligence, drive, happiness, goodness, friendship and, intimacy. This six "clues" are fundamental in everyone's character. This clues are develop early in chilhood and from there is hard to change it. Succes come in hand with all the clues previusly are mentioned. Our future as well as our future is built whith decitions we make everyday. Society influences in our personality. we learn from people's experiences as well as our own experiences. the first element mentioned was intelligence. My question is, It is genetic? It depends on our education? or the most common what intelligence is? there are infinity number of questions about intelligence. There are many theories about intelligence such as Charles Spearman - General Intelligence, Louis L. Thurstone - Primary Mental Abilities and Dual Process theory of human inteligence by Scoot Barry Kaufman. Where he tries to integrate research on psychometric intelligence with experimental work on the cognitive unconscious. (Kaufman, in press; 2009) This theory sounds to me the most accurate because it shows the importance of adaptation to task demands as the essence of intelligent functioning. At the same time, the theory shows a wide range of intelligent behaviors. Drive the wword itself make me tink of control and how to do to get it. The desire we have to do something and haw bad we want it. Everybody have their own goals some easier than others but all goals need some effort. Taking risks take us to reach our goals, even when one think that wath we are doing is useless at the end of the day everything we did had an impact in the outcome. Happiness for example is the outcome
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