Classification of Customers in a Restaurant

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ENG 101 Dr. Britt Types of Customers in a Restaurant Everybody at one point in their lives will work as a server. Most of them, in a restaurant. Now the purpose of working is to make money, correct? Because of this, one should be able to identify the characteristics of the customers in a restaurant. Learning to spot the different characteristics of the Easy Pleasers, Persnicketies and the Inbetweeners will help to serve them to the best of your ability and will increase your “tippage”. The first type of customers in a restaurant are the Easy Pleasers. As the name states, they are very easy to please and they are typically easy to serve too. Now of course the number of people in the party does have an effect on how easy they are to serve, but they are still typically easy. They are generally in a very good mood also and tip well because of their reason for going out to eat. The best way to deal with these type of people is to have fun with them and make sure everything that is ordered, comes out correct and prompt. One example of Easy Pleasers are the celebrators. People will go out to celebrate many things including birthdays, anniversaries, a promotion at work…etc. They’re always looking for a reason to celebrate. Usually they will come in a large group and when dealing with a large group the best idea is to get some help from a coworker (to make drinks, help run food, etc.) Another example that would fall into this category would be the loners. Loners are people who go to eat at a restaurant by themselves. These people could be on break from work and are just grabbing a snack, or want to get some paperwork done, so they go eat by themselves. They are typically not hard to serve because they only order a couple or less things. As long as they get their food promptly and their drink stays filled, they will be pleased with their service. The

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