Classical Conditioning Essay

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11/27/14 Essay Question Four Part A Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through association between an environmental stimulus and a naturally stimulus. It involves four main components which are unconditioned stimulus (UCS) a stimulus in the environment that has produced a behavior, the unconditioned response (UCR) a response that unlearn, the conditioned stimulus (CS) a stimulus that is learned, and the conditioned response (CR) a response that is learned. In the classical conditioning there is an association which is developed between the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus that prompts the same response. Due to the unconditioned stimulus which is the professor getting into a car incident when his car was hit by another driver who ran through a red light. The professor started to shake and became nervous and fearful is the unconditioned response. The conditioned stimulus would be entering the intersection because it's where his car got hit. He becomes nervous and fearful associated with the intersection is the conditioned response. What he can do is to go through this intersection couple times until he feel ok with it because this will weaken the learned response and the removal of the unconditioned stimulus. This process is known as extinction. Avoided this intersection will not help him and the fear will be there. Part B Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which an individual’s behavior is modified by its consequences. In operant conditioning it deals with the reinforcement and punishment to change behavior. A behavior might be reinforced every time it occurs and sometimes a behavior might not be reinforced at all. In partial reinforcement, the response is reinforced only sometimes and learned behaviors are acquired more slowly with partial reinforcement. There are four schedules of partial reinforcement,
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