Cj210 Criminal Investigation

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Criminal Investigation Lawanda Blyther Kaplan University List all the element of Criminal Investigation. 1. Determine where a crime has been committed. 2. Decide if the crime was committed within the investigation jurisdiction. 3. Discover all facts pertaining to the complaint. * Gather and preserve physical evidence. * Develop and follow up all clues. 4. Recover stolen property. 5. Identify the perpetrator or eliminate a suspect as the perpetrator. 6. Locate and apprehend the perpetrator. 7. Aid in the prosecution of the offender by providing evidence of guilt that is admissible in court. 8. Testify effectively as a witness. Provide an overview of the origins of criminal investigation. The concept of criminal investigation can be traced back thousands of years, to early times in china and other part of Asia, as well as the Middle East, where agents of government used a great many legal, as well as illegal approaches (most notably torture) as a means of identifying transgressor of public order. In England, the so-called “thief catchers” were frequently drawn from elements of the underworld. The rank and file of the recruits constituted a distinct breed, but two clear-cut differences in motivation set some apart from others. Hireling, with mercenary motives, would play both sides of the street; social climbers would in criminate their confederates in order to move into respectable society. Identify and explain the two major branches of forensic science. In 1910 the first police laboratory was established by Edmond Locard in Lyon, France. In the 1970, research was undertaken that examined the proficiency of crime laboratories in the United States in examining common types of physical evidence: bloodstains, bullets, and cartridge cases, controlled substance, lateen fingerprints, hair, glass, paint, and other type of
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