City of Masks - Fantasy Genre

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Mary Hoffman has masterfully used the conventions of fantasy genre to explore ideas about life that we can all relate to. We often hear that truth is stranger than fiction. Yet it is possible for fiction to go beyond reality. That’s what happens when worlds are imagined that combine history with fantasy. Mary Hoffman’s bright and suspenseful novel Stravaganza: City of Masks is a great example of the fantasy genre, complete with magic, talismans, time travel, and mysterious circumstances. This time-travel fantasy twists and turns through a complex web of political intrigue against the glittering backdrop of an alternative Venice. It follows heart-stopping adventures that intertwine the lives of a group of complex and entertaining characters that explore ideas about life that we can all relate to. Bellezza, a city that exists in a parallel dimension to sixteenth-century Venice, boils with life and death, danger, friendship and deception in Hoffman's historical fantasy novel. Fantasy as a genre of literature deals with things that cannot be, the construction of the impossible. At the outset, Hoffman describes the setting of Bellezza with such concrete and accurate detail – the sights, sounds and smells, that it acts as an anchor to reality, making the suspension of disbelief in the fantastic that much easier to achieve. The single most important criterion for a successful fantasy is the capacity to incite wonder and this is effectively shown in the vivid setting at the beginning of Stravaganza: City of Masks, as the protagonist Lucien is transported to a secondary world in his dream. Lucien, a twenty-first-century London High School boy, is sick and being treated for cancer. After receiving a marbled notebook as a present from his dad, he begins to fall asleep as his father “droned on in a comforting background” about where the notebook had been made -
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