Citizenship In America

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Immigration Sharitte Smith, Andrea Jenkins, Wendell Williams, Cynthia Henman, LaShonda Nowden BCOMM/275 10/4/2012 Ashley Becker Immigration Citizenship is important in every country. It makes the people in the country who they are and gives a person a right to work, live, and benefit from the country, as well as practice politics. Without a citizenship it is hard for a person to survive in a country. There are hundreds of thousands of immigrants in the United States today and many of them do not have a citizenship. Some have a green card that allows them to work and live as a citizen but they cannot be involved with politics. Others that do not have either are known as illegal immigrants and many of them have kids that are born in the…show more content…
In order to get a job in Brazil, the company or employer must apply for a visa on behalf of the immigrant. Then the Ministry is notified and the process begins. The immigrant then must do an online application and submit it to the FBI for a background check to be cleared. Brazil allows immigrants citizenship but the person has to earn it. He or she must live in Brazil for at least four years consistently, must have a job, the better the job the better the better his or her chances, and prove that he or she can live a productive life. He or she must present themselves in front of the Brazilian Consulate. Each person has to prove that he or she is able to read, write, and speak Portuguese fluently, has good tax credit, in good health, and has a semi-clean background, have not been to prison for more than one year, to be eligible for…show more content…
In comparison both countries are providing work permits for illegal immigrants who have issues in their own country. For example when Haiti, immigrated to Brazil after the 2010 earthquake they provide 1,200 work visas per year to Haitians that were affected. Both countries want the benefit from advances in technology and both countries want to attract people who are skilled and have opportunity to contribute to their country. Brazil welcomes immigrants that are low skill workers they are not threatened like the United States believing immigrants are taking all the jobs. Brazilian seeks an opportunity to build their economy by allowing immigrants to remain in their

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