Cinderella: Not so Morally Corrupt

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Throughout time, village elders, parents, or an authority figure have told stories to impart a kernel of wisdom, or to teach a moral code of conduct. To hold the audience's attention, magical characters were invented deeds or quests inserted, villains were defeated, and the boy got the girl. Or in the case of Cinderella, the girl through magical enhancements of grace, patience, and beauty, won the heart of boy. A simple plot written for a simple audience. But according to the article, "Cinderella: Not So Morally Superior" by Elisabeth Panttaja, the author tells us that the sweet-tempered, motherless young woman that we read about as children was an imposter. Panttaja opens her article with Cinderella's mother on her death-bed, advising her that if she is "good and pious"1, that she, the mother; "shall look down from heaven and take care of you"1. She explains that this opening scene in Cinderella sets forth the central problem that she must overcome; which is that her mother is absent. The arrival of a strong stepmother and stepsisters', and their unification to subjugate her, makes Cinderella appear weak. And the stepsisters' power is manifested because the stepmother is present. But she explains that the magical hazel tree and pigeons who help her overcome her step-family’s roadblocks, is really her dead mother in disguise. And through a series of lies, disobedience, subterfuge, and magical manipulations; Cinderella overcomes the machinations of her step-family. And that it is with her mother’s help, she wins the prince’s devotion and has her revenge on her step-sisters. Panttaja aim in her article is to convey to us that Cinderella was not without allies. Rather than being motherless, she is constantly being guided by her mother. She describes Cinderella as being crafty, dishonest, and impatient. She goes on to say that it is our assumption
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