Christian Worldview History

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I History Of Christian Thought/ Professor Hogan Paper The most urgent call for a pastor in church today should be to begin training church youth to grapple with the worldviews of secularism and humanism philosophy, which they will encounter in schools and colleges. We need to make sure we have a strong countering response using the Christian worldview. In our recent time, the 20th century reflected the dangers of humanism as it took over the major sects of education, media and politics. Our youth began to fall away from Bible teaching and believing churches in droves after receiving years of humanist indoctrination in government schools. The remainder, while not totally abandoning their faith, began to have a belief in a…show more content…
writes, "The church's singular failure in recent decades has been the failure to see Christianity as a life system, or worldview, that III governs every area of existence.” He goes on to say that “our failure to see Christianity as a comprehensive framework of truth has crippled our efforts to have a redemptive effect on the surrounding culture. At its most fundamental level, the culture war is a clash of belief systems…Only when we see this can we effectively evangelize a post-Christian culture, bringing God's righteousness to bear in the world around us.” As a nation, we no longer accept the truths that our predecessors did. Instead, what we have today is moral relativism, and there is no right or wrong, no good or evil. Moral relativism teaches that we are all products of the evolutionary process, there is no God and no plan or purpose for our lives, and we all have our own truth. It teaches that we are all basically

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