Chocolate War Movie V Novle

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As done with most books turned into movies, The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier, has. Robert Cormier writes novels for teenagers. In his books he uses violence and power and other features that the adolescence age group usually use. A lot of people are disturbed by the way he uses violence the way he does at the end of the novel. Cormier wrote the Chocolate War during the 1970's during the hippie era. The story takes place at a higher intelligence level than most of the outside world. Jerry Renault, the main character in the novel, has lived a rough life, especially in the last year or so when his mother passed away, and his father has resided from almost all communication with Jerry; rarely talking to him. The movie was directed by Keith Gordon in 1988. Although there are many events and things that have stayed the same, some simple and big things were changed by the infamous Hollywood. The biggest would have been the ending, for it was completely different and was jaw-dropping. It started when Archie, had to pick another marble, because “two people, two picks out of the box.” Endings from the book, and the movie varied dramatically. Throughout the movie, and the book, the Vigils’ power is portrayed as if they run the school in a way. In the book, the ending is a let-down and ends with Jerry being hospitalized after Janza beats him in a fight. Although, in the movie, the leader of the Vigils has Archie pick 2 marbles to make it fair. Archie is safe with picking the white marble first, but when he has to pick a second marble, he picks a black, which causes him to take Janza’s place in the fight. Again, this displays how much power the Vigils have, which took a tremendous part in the story line. The Hollywood ending was much more approiate for the story, because he ended the story with a bang, and
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