China and Global Politics

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QUESTION: CRTICALLY EVALUATE THE IMPACT OF CHINA ON CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL POLITICS The impact of China on contemporary global politics is still much a contentious issue. The impact it has had has been positive with urban economic growth and political stability for some time. There has been cases of where the country has experienced turmoil in the economy and in politics, but has somewhat been a benchmark for other nation-states to exemplify how China has maintained strong economic growth and being a world leader in this. The growth of the nation has been a challenge, but has found a way to integrate itself into the existing world economy. MAIN POINTS: * Size and rapid growth of China, represent a challenge to establish global order * This clashes with existing assertiveness * The dynamics and future impacts of these power shifts are far from clear understanding and aren’t determined * The thirty years since China launched its policies of reform and opening could be described as the period during which the country has gradually become integrated into the world economy. * China has experienced the most rapid growth of any emerging economy, such that its demands on external resources and markets have reached considerable proportions * As a country that have actively taken part in and reaped the benefits of economic globalization, China has gained new awareness from the world’s existing political and economic structure and has experienced the process of gradually altered itself to this framework. * There was the unsuccessful pro-democracy movement that was suppressed by force in 1989. * Destabilising influences of other revolutions indicates the nation remaining wary of any significant change should it happen. * The ‘bounce back’ in Asian economies saw impressive growth opportunities in China during the 2008 Financial crisis *
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