Children Pastimes Today

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Children' Pastimes Today and Yesterday Children' pastimes are very different from yesterday than today. Technology has taken our world to another level. What use to be fun, when we were children is boring to our own children. If they do not have a hand held component in their hands they are not happy. For instance children today have a great amount of technology at their fingertips. They have video games, computers, mp3', I pads, and lets not forget cell phones. All they have to do is push some buttons and whatever they want is there. They no longer have to interact with each other, for it is less trouble to just text. Many years ago children had to develop their imagination to play. To create t hings to occupy their time. Learning how…show more content…
Such is stated on the MC Marketing Charts. Is that a national survey from (CTIA) and (Harris Interactive) say that “ Forty seven percent of children from twelve to eighteen years of age can text with their eyes closed”. That is a staggering amount. While us as parents wonder why we are not on the same page as our children.Children yesterday created things to do they would catch butterflies in the daytime, and fireflies at dusk. They would climb trees, and build tree houses, play in creek beds on a hot summer day. Children would have friends over for a backyard picnic. Even if it was just peanut butter and jelly and a glass of cool lemonade.I personally feel in a lot of ways we have bestowed a great loss upon our children today. We have pushed technology at them full force. I hope in the end, it will be worth it . Losing personal interaction with each other in the long run, may not be the best for our children. May not even be the best for our society as a whole.However, I'm glad to know there are still a lot of yesterdays children out there. Proud of who they are, and what they will become. For not being like everyone else, and being able to stand for what they believe in. Our children are the future, their pastimes should always be a concern to us all. Interaction with one another, has always been an woven fiber from which America is
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