Children Of The Dust Recommendation

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Freedom Writers and Children of the Dust – Extended Response You have been asked to recommend the two texts you have been studying in the Genre unit, as worthy of inclusion in the year 9 programme for 2010. Write an extended response in which you discuss 3 elements of each genre, 3 themes from each text and 3 scenes or sections from each text. The two texts that I would like to recommend for the genre study in 2010 are “Children of the Dust” by Louise Lawrence and the film “Freedom Writers”. “Children of the Dust” is from the science fiction Genre and explores the destructive nature of technology when it’s misused. “Freedom Writers” is from the historical fiction Genre and examines the social realism of gang violence in the US in the 1990’s Three elements of the science fiction genre in “Children of the Dust” include that it is set in the future and deals with the destructive nature of science when it is misused. The novel is divided into three separate sections, each with some kind of relation to one another. The first section of the novel is called ‘Sarah’. This part begins in present time, with Sarah, a bright young teenager spending a typical day at school, when it is announced that nuclear bombs have begun falling in London, and it is predicted that it is only a matter of time before bombs are dropped on Gloucestershire, the county in which Sarah, her father, step-mother, younger brother William, and younger sister Catherine. Everyone at the school in instructed to return home immediately. When Sarah arrives home, she finds Veronica in a state of intense panic, which then alarms Sarah even more. As the next few days go by, it is evident that the world around them is falling apart. There is radioactive dust falling from the sky, which immediately affects those subjected to it with radiation poisoning. The family try to make do with what they have in

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