Children Inapporopriate Behavior

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b. Think of 3 different situations where children behaved inappropriately. Answer the following questions for each situation: (30 marks) 1. What did the child/children do/say? 2. What did the staff member do/say? 3. What happened then? 4. What might you have done differently? 5. How could the situation be prevented/avoided next time? Situation1: Children misbehave when they want attention. Children that are seeking attention usually whines, squirm, throw things on the floor and anger outbursts. The staff member ignored the inappropriate behavior; this shows the child that a negative behavior is ineffective and no longer necessary. If I am the staff, I will find out why the child is misbehaving first and then do the appropriate action for his behavior, not just simply ignoring the child. The misbehavior can be prevented if you will ask the child what’s wrong with him and explain that the inappropriate behavior isn’t acceptable to express how he feels. Support the child’s feelings when he’s showing an inappropriate behavior not by accepting it and doing nothing about it but by not disregarding the misbehavior and its cause. Situation 2: Children behave inappropriately when they want something like a toy. The child throws tantrums and cries. The staff just gave the toy so the child will stop. If I am the staff, I will not give the toy to the child because you’re just rewarding his behavior making him do it again. I will teach the child an alternative way to get what he wants or to ask nicely instead of misbehaving and praise him for asking appropriately. The situation can be prevented if the behavior is not tolerated in the past and if the child is taught ask for what they want in a more appropriate
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