Children Eating Disorders

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Albert kunst SO 219 Suzanne Palmieri 04/26/2012 Child Obesity In today’s day and age, we see more and more overweight people in our society. In fact, it seems to be an epidemic of a sort. Unfortunately, children are not immune from this epidemic and are being impacted as well. I have chosen to write my research paper on childhood obesity, because I feel if we learn how to tackle this problem from the onset, we will have healthier children who will enter adulthood with better eating habits. Too often, we discuss, dissect, and assign blame to a problem instead of looking for solutions. In The probable solutions to childhood obesity will lead to children who develop healthier lifestyles that translate into their adult lives. Children who are overweight are more likely to have physical risk factors and psychosocial issues. These problems continue throughout children’s lives, because children who are overweight are more likely to become overweight adolescents. The benefits of developing healthy eating habits include a life free of crippling diseases. Unfortunately, the lack of attention that has been paid to childhood obesity directly affected its continuing rise. There has been documented evidence of the continued rise in childhood obesity. "During the past three decades, the incidence of childhood and adolescent obesity has more than doubled in the United States, coupled with increases in the severity of pediatric obesity and the prevalence of illnesses associated with obesity among the pediatric population". But just like the evidence of the problem, there is also documentation that supports how it can be rectified. Because of the severity of this epidemic and the target of it (children), even the First Lady Michelle Obama has adopted childhood obesity as her cause. In the United States, as well as other countries aboard, there have been programs

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