Child Poverty in the Uk

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Nelson Mandela once said “Poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.” Speech Trafalgar Square, London, 2005. Is child poverty in the United Kingdom important; why should we care? The Government in March 2010 passed The Child Poverty Act. This legal contract comitts to ending child poverty in Britain by 2020. Local Authorities and the Government have targets that are being worked towards to obliterate child poverty in the UK. Looking at what causes child poverty and the effects of child poverty in the UK; what strategies should be taken to help tackle child poverty. Perception of child poverty is images of starving children and shanty towns. One in five children in the UK live in poverty. Worklessness and low paid jobs are factors. Worklessness is associated with lone parents 45% of poor children live in a lone parent households. Due to loss of an income from the nonresident parent, childcare costs; the lone parent struggles to balance work and home life leading the lone parent to rely on benefits. While 58% of families below the UK poverty line contained at least one working parent, benefits available still do not bring them above the 60% median household income. [4,7] Along with income inequality other inequalities such as: ethnicity, housing and the neighborhood in which the child lives; all contribute to poverty. People from ethnic minority groups in Britain are significantly more likely to be living in poverty. Around a third of all children are living in poverty; but disadvantage is deeper among children in ethnic minority groups as a whole. Homelessness; poor accommodation such as overcrowding, poor state of repair blights childhood. [3] There is a strong link between poverty and education; which results in social-economic disadvantage. It is researched that children from poor backgrounds do
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