Cheek and Onion Conclusion

284 Words2 Pages
The two cells we observed were eukaryotic cells, one was an animal cell and the other was a plant cell. In the animal cell we saw the nucleus, cytoplasm, and the cell membrane. It was an irregular shape but more round than anything, the size was on the small side. While observing the plant cell we saw the cell wall, nucleolus, cytoplasm, and the nucleus. We could not see its cell membrane. The plant cell was like a brick wall with rectangular shaping, it was small but much bigger than the animal cell. One thing that surprised us was the drastic change in size between the cells. o Our hypothesis was correct. We stated that we will be able to tell the difference between two different types of cells if we observe a cheek cells and an onion cell because a cheek cell is an animal cell and an onion cell is a plant cell. We were correct because the differences we able to be seen when observing the cell, and you could distinguish between the plant and animal cells by labeling the differences. o Suggestions for new experiments that we had were mainly centered on adding a third cell to examine. This would be better because then you will be able to compare another plant or animal cell to the one you already have. Our first suggestion was to add a skin cell in addition to the cheek cell, and then you can compare the two in addition to comparing it to the onion cell. The second suggestion is using an actual type of plant (trees, flowers, etc.) to compare to the onion cell while also comparing it to the cheek cell.

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