Chaucers Satire Essay

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Chaucer’s Satire Geoffrey Chaucer’s Prologue to The Canterbury Tales showcases twenty seven characters that live under the rule of the church like everyone else in the 1300’s. Chaucer describes each character not only physically but also their personality and behavior. The rise of the middle class influenced the beginning of immoral activities of the church workers which led to a corrupt government. Chaucer’s use of satire reveals the truth of how the church was run at that time and how the pilgrims symbolized the lifestyle of the people. During the 1300’s the church started fading away from the beliefs of giving and started caring in the beliefs of money and extortion. Chaucer’s exaggeration of the Summoner, the Friar, and the Prioress reveal their true priorities and ways of living. For example,” We should beware of excommunication. Thus, as he pleased, the man could bring duress on any young fellow in the diocese. He knew their secrets, they did what he said. He wore a garland set upon his head large as the holy bush upon a stake” (Holt 75). The Summoner abused his name and power to blackmail the intended people of his notes. This quote describes how the Summoner obtained his money through extortion. These new beliefs were influenced by the gain of the middle class and the increase in the economy. As people began to populate Eastern Europe, the demand for jobs increased and therefore new trades and jobs were created producing newly invented goods. As these goods became high in demand the crave for money reached its peek. Descriptions of the Summoner, the Friar, and the Prioress point out these new interests of the estates and their desires and obsession for money. The Summoner was a shady character that was a weasel and a scammer. Chaucer described him as ugly, slender, and up to no good (Holt 74). As the messenger for the church, he
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