Characteristics Of Skilled Counselors

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rs The path to becoming a helping professional involves more than an ability to sit and listen. It involves many skills and techniques that require years of training. Some of these skills and techniques include attending skills which can be both verbal and nonverbal. These include eye contact, body posture and supportive silence. The listening aspect is referred to as reflective listening and is used in situations where the counselor is attempting to help the client deal with something. Some principles of reflective listening include: more listening than talking, attempting to understand the feelings contained in what the other is saying, not just the facts or ideas and responding with acceptance and empathy, not with indifference or false concern. Reflective listening may provide very positive results when used appropriately. Along with being an active or reflective listener there are three main characteristics: genuiness – which involves being spontaneous, avoiding personal defensiveness and allowing you self to be open to feedback. Being a genuine helper also involves honesty and forthrightness. Empathy – being the ability to accurately experience the internal frame of reference of others while remaining objective. An empathetic listener will try to get inside the clients thoughts and feelings. Empathy can also be described as the effort to hear another person deeply, accurately and non-judgmentally. Empathy can be difficult to achieve as we all have a tendency to advise or disagree from our own point of view. Lastly, respect for others – involves accepting people with different values, religious beliefs, cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations or physical disabilities. Respect involves a reverence for humans simply because they are human beings. While these are considered the most vital characteristics there are several others that are
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