Changed Life Essay

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Name Changed Life In the “A&P” 19 year old Sammy who is a story all by himself is changed by three girls who enter his life as they walk in to shop at the local “A&P”. In which later on he decides to quit his job for these girls as a cashier at the local grocery store called the “A&P.” Realizing that he has made the decision to quit not only for himself, but the girls who inspired him not literally but figuratively quit to make what he seemed the right choice. In this short story, Sammy seems to have mixed opinions about these three girls who walk in. He sizes them up almost as they were all close friends and have known each other for years. Throughout the story, Sammy seems to become attached to these girls. He can’t take his eyes off of them as if they were the most beautiful structure he has ever seen. Sammy whose life is changed by the three girls seems to have everything in check about people, but realizes that the girls are a part of his life as much as the store. At one point he is bashing these three girls on everything they do, but he also wishes that he was the one who was the unusual and different one in his life; which led him to wanting to quit his job. In the “A&P” Sammy whose stature on life is changed by three girls who show him that being different can also be sane. Sammy has an unusual stand about women and the way he talks about them. One way he does this is how he explains how a girls mind works. “Do you really think it’s a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar (Updike 441).” He used words which he thought resembled these girls such as, “chubby, chubby berry-face and the tall one, with black hair (Updike 440)”. This helped to distinguish the girls apart from one another. Not knowing who these girls were. Sammy seemed to have his opinion about them all wrapped up and correct. The

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