Censorship Of Books In School

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Censorship of Books in School Should people be able to deny a student’s freedom to read any book they want to at school? Every time an adult bans a book, children lose the chance to gain knowledge from it. The students’ outlook on the world becomes narrower as they lose access to an insightful piece of literature, and prohibiting books like that limits a students’ access to fantastic literary texts. Book censorship in schools limits the education of minors, and the students’ can’t receive the full knowledge inside. Book banning has a huge negative effect on how students live, at school as well as at home. Book censors can only give unreasonable and unjustifiable motives for banning novels to validate their cause. In the end, the actions of the people who ban books create numerous negative effects on minors. Book banning limits student access to great works of literature. Many people regard William Shakespeare as one of the greatest English writers of all time, yet almost all of his plays have been prohibited from most schools. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is also an exceptional composition, but is a hugely challenged book because of its use of the “n” word and its racial insults. Making it a rule that students cannot read these books in class deny them access to one of the best English writers, and one of the best books a person can read. The parents are also to blame. Parents should definitely have a right to say what their children can and cannot read, but they do not have the freedom to say what other children can or cannot read. Once a parent complains to a school, the school can’t do anything except pull the book out of the curriculum, and that is not equitable to anyone. There are plenty of reasons that people have come up with to justify banning a book. For example: “they teach children to spy” or “it encourages children to break dishes so they

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