Catcher in the Rye Critical Analysis

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Catcher in the Rye Chapter 5 Composition One object that is significant to Holden is his brother’s baseball glove. His brother, Allie, enjoyed baseball and poetry, so while he was in the outfield, he would write poems on his baseball glove. The glove reminds Holden of who his brother was. The glove symbolizes how special Allie is because he combined two of the activities that he enjoyed into one. Seeing how Holden values the glove so much shows the audience how he values youth and innocence. This glove makes Holden remember how he and Allie used to share their time together. An object that plays an important role in my life is my mom’s Uganda flag. It is just a normal flag with nothing really special about it except for what it symbolizes. The journey which my mom and her family had to get to Canada was difficult to say the least, but one thing they always kept with them was this small Uganda flag. Although they were deported from the country Uganda, they still believed in remembering were they came from. Now that they are all successful people, it inspires me to try as hard as I can to achieve success in whatever I do. This flag is extremely memorable because it has been carried through many countries to get to Canada, their final destination. Every time I look at the flag, I picture my family struggling to get here, but looking at the flag for home of a better future. Knowing that they accomplished shows me that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. The flag is important to me because of what it symbolizes. How my mom and her family went from country to country, looking for a place to live, ending up so happy in Canada. This journey is important to me because I was brought up to know where you come from and how nothing is given for free. This is the perfect example of that because my mom started from having nothing, to persevering and gaining a

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