Case Study Essay on Medtronic's Expansion Plan

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INTRODUCTION The ever changing communication and technologies are effectively changing the global business environment. As a result to maintain a competitive position, managers need to continuously innovate and focus on addressing the needs of their customers both locally and globally. In this report I have been asked to help Medtronic CEO to decide whether his current bold strategic expansion into emerging markets is the right thing to do or to advise him on a different approach. This report is summarized with in three major chapters. Chapter one analyses Medtronic as a multinational enterprise by addressing”an initial screening of business environment including political environment, economics, culture etc. Medtronic’s competitiveness and abilities is analyzed through a combination of country specific advantages (CSAs) and firm specific advantages (FSAs) and is included in FSA/CSA Matrix and by addressing Porter’s four determinants. In chapter Two in-depth analysis of challenges and issues the company faces as well as risk management plan the company must undertake in a long run for reducing its operational risks. The last chapter is about developing a strategy for the successful operation of Medtronic as an MNE with an overview of IHRM, personal selection, training and development. Recommendations and suggestions for Medtronic on the level of involvement the company should take to increase the likelihood of long term success are included in the conclusion. Table of Contents 1 Why invest outside of the U.S? 3 1.1 What are emerging markets? 3 1.2 Porter’s four determinants 3 1.2.1 Factor Conditions 4 1.2.2 Demand conditions 4 1.2.3 Related and supporting Industries 5 1.2.4 Strategy, structure and rivalry 5 1.3 FSAs/CSAs 5 2 International Business Environments 7 2.1 Political environment overview and management 7 2.2

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