Case of Marie

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The Case of Marie: Psychosocial Development Case Study Analysis Phillip Winborne Capella University COUN5004 – Survey of Research in Human Development for Professional Counselors Dr. Deborah Moore March 13, 2013 Abstract When discussing any type of development, most counselors break it down into specific stages. These stages are typically progressive. In other words, you must pass through one stage before you can get to the next. Think about how you learned to run; first you had to learn to crawl, then you could learn to walk, and finally you could develop the skills needed to run. Without the first two stages, running would be an impossibility. This psychosocial development case study analyzes Marie’s case theoretically from a counselor’s perspective. This analysis will examine the issues that relate to later adulthood and integrity verses despair and generativity verse stagnation stages of development from a future Mental Health Counselors viewpoint. TABLE OF CONTENTS * Introduction 4 *”The Case of Marie” 5 *Integrity verses Despair__________________________________________________6 *Depression 7 *Recommendations 8 *Conclusion 10 *References____________________________________________________________11 INTRODUCTION Erik Erikson (1902-1994) used Freud's work as a starting place to develop a theory about human stage development from birth to death (Erickson, 1975). Although their theories have implications for other developmental areas, their primary focus was on explaining social and emotional developmental states and the personality dimensions that may be formed by experiences encountered in each stage.” (Bergen, 2008, p. 36) In contrast to Freud's focus on sexuality, Erikson focused on how peoples' sense of
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