Case Analysis

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Submitted By: Ashley & Terri Fumo Submitted To: Julian Kitchen November 11, 2011. EDUC 8Y41: Case Analysis Assignment Case Analysis Breakdown CASE 2: ASHLEY DAWN CASE 3: CASE 4: TERRI FUMO CASE 5: COMPLETED AS A GROUP ** Case 1 was not completed as per Julian Kitchen, because we only had 3 members in our group. Case 2 A grade 12 student broke up with his girlfriend and was very depressed. As part of a short story assignment he submitted a story outlining his depression and how he wanted to commit suicide. He sent this to his teacher by email. The story explained that he did not have a gun so the best way would be to hang his self. The teacher read the story and failed to contact his parents and the school’s principal. A week later he committed suicide by hanging himself. The student’s parents sued the teacher and board for negligence as they failed to recognize the signs of suicide and failed to contact them. There are many laws that are associated with this case. First, in common law, teachers have a duty to act in loco parentis. They are expected to take the place of the parent and act in a careful and prudent manner. Ontario’s Education Act states that teachers owe a legal duty of care to their students. In this case, the teacher did not take the role of a parent and act in a careful way. If the parents had read this story first, they would have approached their son in order to prevent suicide. The teacher did not bother to approach the boy or contact the boy’s parents about the story. This displays a careless attitude, violating the duty of care. Second, the issue of negligence is outlined in this case. According to the Education Act, boards, principals and teachers all owe a duty of care to their students because of the relationship of trust. Therefore, parents expect that their children will be safe from all foreseeable
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