Carbon Auditing Essay

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CARBON AUDITING - A RESOURCE FOR SCHOOLS by Jessie Francois Thesis presented in part-fulfilment of the degree of Master of Science in accordance with the regulations of the University of East Anglia School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia University Plain Norwich NR4 7TJ August 2003 ©2003 J. Francois This copy of the dissertation has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with the author and that no quotation from the dissertation, nor any information derived therefrom, may be published without the author’s prior written consent. Moreover, it is supplied on the understanding that it represents an internal University document and that neither the University nor the author are responsible for the factual or interpretative correctness of the dissertation. i Jessie Francois Carbon Auditing August 2003 Contents Contents List of Tables and Figures Acknowledgements Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Carbon Dioxide ~ The need to audit 1.2 The Education Sector 1.3 Holistic approach to carbon auditing 1.3.1 Transport 1.3.2 Food Miles 1.3.3 Procurement Policies 1.4 Resources for determining CO2 Emissions 1.5 Objective and Aims Chapter 2 Data and Methods 2.1 Researching existing carbon audit tools and resources 2.2 Designing the Carbon Audit 2.3 Selection of case study schools 2.4 Execution of the Carbon Audit: Data collection and analysis 2.4.1 Questionnaire design and pilot 2.4.2 Catering 2.4.3 Packed Lunches 2.4.4 Transport to School 2.4.5 School Trips 2.4.6 Transportation of Goods 2.4.7 Paper 2.4.8 Energy 2.4.9 Furniture 2.4.10 Waste 2.4.11 Water 2.4.12 Inert Building Materials 2.4.13 Tree Planting 2.4.14 Benchmarking 2.5 Run existing tool kits and audits and evaluate the results 2.6 Evaluation of available carbon audit tools and resources i iv v vi 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7

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